We love Cheyenne Berean! We are so thankful for the abundance of support! People from our church family clean the house, prepare meals, carry extra ministry loads, call, write, etc and they pray. Here is one such recent ePrayer! What away to start a Lord's Day!
“I know that with his help you will be up to the work and exertion of healing.
I've prayed for endurance, determination and strength to match the demands that winning this battle places upon you and Richard and the rest of us that care for you. My thoughts are on a woman that grabbed his hem so fiercely that the grace received was a real show stopper. She must have been determined! What do you think went through his mind when he turned to find her? No matter our view of the encounter, we can appreciate how much she wanted to be well.
There are grandchildren present and am sure that there are grandchildren yet to come that will be blessed by your willingness to keep reaching for the days ahead during these days present when effort is so total and you've spent so much to be well for them.
Thank God that there are treatments he has enabled to help you and protect your future. With each treatment I remind myself that you are that much closer to completing the course of healing by meeting the demands of a tough, but defeatable opponent. It makes your suffering easier to accept, knowing what you are leaving behind. The days yet to come, distilled through this process must surely be more precious, more sweet, more fully lived.
Know that you are loved and valued. We are fighting with you. There are so many of us, someone is always fighting with you. You are never far out of thought, out of our hearts, out of our prayers.”