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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another Tornado

Recently, tornadoes seem to be finding the Crocker family. Last night, it was my turn. Tornado sirens greeted me on the way home from class last night. I then had the "wonderful" Kansas experience of hanging out in a hallway bathroom as an E4 tornado (the second strongest) ripped through Manhattan. I find the destruction of tornadoes surreal. My neighborhood went completely unscathed, but other parts of Manhattan were not so lucky. I need to drive only a few minutes out of my neighborhood to see complete destruction.

Two neighborhoods were hard hit--30 houses were completely destroyed. K-State sustained serious damage estimated at 20 million dollars. One of our Hardware stores was completely flattened. Here are pictures of the aftermath in Manhattan and on the K-State campus.

This is actual video of the tornado. I believe it is taken from a web cam on top of a building at K-State that sustained serious damage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lets see . . . Richard & Tony, Paul & Cristine, now Rachel. As a Cheyenne resident I'm wondering: Any way we could get Jon to travel for the summer?!? - Bryan