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Thursday, August 28, 2008

This Afternoon

One of the results of the decreasing support schedule for the India Berean church planting pastors is that most of them are finding it difficult to raise adequate replacement income. The afternoon brainstorming session concerned funding sources so that India Berean can become a self-sustaining ministry. This is a complex issue. For example in one region the average wage is only 20 rupees a day (less than fifty cents) while in another area the minimum wage is 120 rupees. Another component of the discussion was the necessity of involving lay people, since it is a core value of India Berean to plant reproducing churches through discipleship. The key first step is teaching and modeling what the Bible says about giving. Additionally there was discussion about external funding sources such as "cottage industries.” The advantage is that these would bring a practical value to the village while at the same time opening doors for reaching individuals within the village.

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